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le Taennchel

The massif of the Taennchel is part of the Vosges geologically central,located in Alsace, it is accessible by the village of Thannenkirch, by the cross of Ribeauvillé which is located on the road linking Ribeauvillé in sainte-marie-aux-mines or from the great glassware near Ribeauvillé.

Located at 960 meters of altitude, the Taennchel offers magnificent views after a certain effort because the mounted is very steep!

THE cosmo-telluric energy of this places is measure on average to +24.

Some rock can fit up to +45 then attention to don't stay too long on the latter, if you are not ready to receive these energies which can you disrupt vibratoirement.

For the thetrapeutes se may be a place to reload very profitable, as well as to the medium or of flashes occur easily.

These beautiful rock have special forms if in the past because it was surrounded by water and the erosion of the sea to shaped.

You can find a clairvoyance of quality here to optimize the period of your reload.

Rock Giants


With a height of 16 meters, it offers a cosmo-telluric energy average, see negative on some place, then please bring your clocks, on top of the domes is located ( cups natural). This rock is also called the rock of the fairies.

rocher des géants


rocher des géants



rocher des géants


rocher des géants




rocher des geants




rocher des géants


Rock of reptiles


Magnificent cliff, with the rock recalling of forms of reptiles, the energy is very strong, do not under estimated and the view is beautiful!

rocher des reptiles


rocher des reptiles


rocher des reptiles


rocher des reptiles


rocher des reptiles


rocher des reptiles


vue au rocher des reptiles


abri sous roche au rocher des reptiles


rocher des reptiles


rocher des reptiles



rocher des reptiles


Rock of cordoniers


Beautiful rock in balance with an average energy.

rocher des cordoniers


rocher des cordoniers


rocher des cordoniers


The pagan wall


The pagan wall to a length of 2300 meters and a width of 2 meters was built in the XV century. It unsubstantiated innuendo be a simply a wall of delimitation???

mur païen


mur païen
