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lithotherapieThe life of all the days is more and more stressful, and it makes us develop an evil be general that is either physical or psychological. I propose to you thanks to magnetism and the lithotherapie to rebalance your body in order to feel you sooth and in good general health!


soin de lithothérapie







I am Esoter


I decided to create this site in order to meet the constant demand that surrounded me. At the age of 12 ,14 years i am interested in the esotericism, in light my mother feel certain things.

I wanted the comprendres and feel them in my turn, I have worked, studied and since then I have developed the felt, via:


- The Dowsing

- My hands

- By my presence in a room


I learned that I had the faculty of myself in the place of the person or place (empathy). This gives me the flashes by touching or in connecting me to this person, place, or thing. I am a direct channel with the earth and the other plans astral parallel. I have the guides which i dictate what I can do or not to do. With the knowledge of the movement and the felt of the energy, i can help you in spiritual problems complex, using the theurgie ( principle of movement of energies).




It has been 12 years that I practice different esoteric arts.

Has the force of knowledge and of programming, I have acquired of extra-sensory perceptions that have allowed me to see life in a different way. I decided to make available my faculties to help, protect and offer my vision of things to the people who want it.




I am become Light Medium using the communication with the spiritual guides.

Radiesthesiste thanks to my sensitivity.

Lithotherapeute due to my knowledge and my felt.

Magnetizer( at the level of the auras and chakras through my felt and my Strobes

Theurgie thanks to my knowledge, my apprenticeship in several countries, of culture and of different religions, my license to use the energy of the universe in order to help us in respecting the universal laws.









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